2018年4月26日 星期四

現代汽車後行李箱防水托盤 HYUNDAI i10 立體防水托盤

~~~  SeeyenAuto RV汽車用品  ~~~

現代汽車後行李箱防水托盤 HYUNDAI i10 立體防水托盤

後車廂防水防污專車專用托盤 2011~ HYUNDAI i10 立體托盤,防水材質、可避免水流入車內,無毒無味、防水、好清理,立體壓製紋路,止滑、無塑味,立體托盤防止不慎液體溢出!容易集中污垢清洗於托盤內,方便清理,亦不擔心後車廂髒污、好擦拭好清洗,防污避免水流進車廂造成鏽蝕。

底部採用凸點止滑設計,密合度高更不傷害您愛車地毯,托盤周圍高度約5公分,美觀又密合密合度達99%以上 四周加高形成凹形狀,有效達到液體都絕對不外漏。即使是家中寵物和任何其他的東西開車時臨放後行李箱或貨物,也不會造成抓傷及刮傷!完全的保護您愛車的OEM地毯完整性,而不影響任何原本後行李箱的功能。


產地:100% Made In Taiwan.購買前請先行確認你的車款喔!
材質: EVA軟材質
產品上有 I10 的字樣標示,


 HYUNDAI  IX35 2011~

Suitable for Hyundai I10

Exactly measured to perfectly fit your vehicle, following the contours of your cargo area, with a high lip that effectively traps dirt and spills away from your OEM carpeting. Provides effective protection from mud, dust, snow, and even corrosive substances.Resists extreme temperatures.Raised lip traps spills and dirt.Textured surface keeps the stuff in your cargo area from sliding.Easy to clean.

the family pet and whatever other stuff you carry in your trunk or cargo area, it's absolutely certain that this part of your vehicle is extremely vulnerable to stain and damage. It's designed to deliver complete protection to your carpet without taking away the functionality from your trunk or cargo area. The comes with a molded outer edge to keep dirt and even corrosive substances from penetrating into your precious OEM carpet.

